Ofudesaki Part 5, verses 30–55

This path and the Divine Record in Nihon (“incantations or magical arts” and the “true art,” the branches and the root or the origin, Kara and Nihon)

(30) Take no short cuts. Have no greed or arrogance. Come out to the single and straight main path.1 Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 5, verses 30–55

  1. OC 5:30: You will never be able to come out to the true broad path if you rush to see results, seek shortcuts, and become blinded by greed or arrogance. It will do for you to avoid these misuses of the mind and singly devote yourself to the true teaching.

Ofudesaki Part 5, verses 1–29

Part 5

May in the 7th year of Meiji

An old woman of 77 years

Part 5: From the method of settling each person’s mind to the construction of the broad path by spreading [Kami] the Parent’s teaching concerning the truth

Self-reflection regarding disorders of the body, leading to the blessing of the free and unlimited workings

(1) Until now, there has been much talk about rebirth as oxen or horses, but there has been no one who knows his past or future.[1. OC 5:1: Until now, there have been those who have talked about being reborn as oxen or horses, there is no one who knows what kind of people will reborn as oxen or horses or how one can be saved from the path of oxen and horses since it has never been clearly taught until today. Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 5, verses 1–29

Ofudesaki Part 4, verses 107–34

The cleansing of everyone’s heart (those within and all others in the world, the high mountains and the low valleys, and Nihon and Kara) 1

(107) From now on, I shall bring understanding by making a distinction in the innermost hearts of both the high and the low all over the world.1 Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 4, verses 107–34

  1. OC 4:107: From now on, I shall make clear, without discrimination, the good and bad among those above and those below to have you understand My true intention.

Ofudesaki Part 4, verses 54–87

The truth of the Jiba and the parental love that desires to save all the children (distinguishing between Kara and Nihon; the children’s awakening to the truth)

(54) People come to Me from whatever places. It is because of they are of the original causality.1 Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 4, verses 54–87

  1. OC 4:54: Many people from each country will begin to return yearning for Jiba. However, all of them are all My children, the children of Oyagami. They will be returnees who return because of the causality that exists between parents and children. Thus you must never think that it is a coincidence when they return.

Ofudesaki Part 4, verses 1–20

Part 4

April in the 7th year of Meiji

An old woman of 77 years

Part 4: The three standpoints affecting the Salvation Service and their relationship with one another: (i) Oyasama’s standpoint as revealed by the intention of [Oyagami]; (ii) The standpoint of “those within,” “those who are close to Me,” and “all of you”; (iii) The standpoint referred to as the “high places,” “the high mountains,” “learning,” among others

Construction toward a Service filled with brightness (a prediction concerning the 5th of the 5th month, an announcement of the forthcoming Proof Amulet, and the construction of the Gatehouse)

(1) The present path: what kind of path do you think it is? Though it seems to you to be unclear,

(2) I already see a broad path ahead. You are saying that it is over there, but it is already before you.1 Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 4, verses 1–20

  1. OC 4:1, 2: This path at present is a narrow path that may seem unreliable to the human eye. Yet up ahead I see a reliable broad path. Furthermore, it will come before your very eyes before you realize it, when you still think that it is still far ahead.

Ofudesaki Part 3, verses 120–149

High mountains and low valleys (equally the children of [Oyagami])

(120) You are thinking that the present path is at the mercy of the high places, but you are mistaken. It will be as [Kami] pleases.1

(121) Those in high places are doing as they please with all the world. Do you not know the regret of [Kami]? Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 3, verses 120–149

  1. OC 3:120: The people in high positions think that they can freely repress this path. But because this is the path of single-hearted salvation, it will not be at the mercy of human beings. It will go according to what I, Oyagami, intend.