Ofudesaki Part 3, verses 60–91

Hastening the gathering of the Service performers and sweeping the heart for this purpose (the high mountains, useful timber, the central pillar, [Kami] and the high places, Nihon and Kara), continued

(60) From now on, I shall resume my hastening for the Joyous Service. This might not be easy to understand.1 Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 3, verses 60–91

  1. OC 3:60: I shall again hasten the Joyous Service. But you do not have the slightest idea why I do so.

Ofudesaki Part 2, verses 25–47

Settling troubles within and without by means of the Service

(a) Purifying the pond in the high mountains

(25) Though it is springwater that fills the pond in the high mountains, yet at its spout, it is mixed with mud.[1. OC 2:25: The water that springs forth in the ponds deep in the mountains ought not to be cloudy but clear and pure. Yet at its spout this water is mixed with dirt (chiri), making it cloudy and turbid. Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 2, verses 25–47

Ofudesaki Part 1, verses 21–44

Definition of the Ofudesaki

(21) This is a world constructed on reason. So I shall press upon you everything with the reason in verse.1 Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 1, verses 21–44

  1. OC 1:21: Everything in this world is based on My mind, the Mind of Oyagami. This is a world that exists due to the Cosmic Order (Tenri), so I shall caution the order (ri) of your conduct and everything that follows through explanations and instructions in verse.

Ofudesaki Part 1, verses 1–20

Since the Tenrikyo Resource Wiki is still down, I have decided to upload the entire English Ofudesaki with annotations here on Tenrikyology.com as well.

A word on this version of the Ofudesaki: To remain consistent with recent work here on this website, I will be altering “God” with “[Kami]” and “Tsukihi” with “[Cosmic Space-Time].” Any similar alterations I make from the Ofudesaki 6th edition will be marked with brackets: [ ]

This online version of the Ofudesaki will also be augmented with annotations from the English Ofudesaki and Ofudesaki chushaku (Annotations of the Ofudesaki) as well as subheadings from Thoughts on a Thematic Outline of the Ofudesaki by the second Shinbashira Shozen Nakayama.


Part 1

From the 1st month in the 2nd year of Meiji, the year of the Serpent

An old woman of 72 years

Continue reading Ofudesaki Part 1, verses 1–20