Tag Archives: burakumin

Excerpts from Miki Nakayama and discriminated peoples

I realize it has been a reeaaallly long time since I posted anything or made any updates to this website. I offer my apologies.

I stumbled upon a translation I did some time ago that I felt could be useful to researchers of Tenrikyo and burakumin in general. I am unsure if this post will lead to more activity on this website down the road or not.

Continue reading Excerpts from Miki Nakayama and discriminated peoples

Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 4 and 5

4. I Will Return Ten Thousandfold

“Fall to the depths of poverty. Unless you fall to the depths of poverty, you cannot understand what sufferers feel. Even water, once fallen to the bottom, will rise again. I will return ten thousandfold.”

5. The Same as Flowing Water

Among the words that Oyasama told Shirobei Umetani were these:

“When I was in a trance, the divine voice said within me, ‘It is the same as flowing water. Fall to a low place. Fall to the bottom. You cannot save others if you live in a mansion with a stately gate. Live in poverty. Live in poverty.'”

Anecdotes of Oyasama, p. 2 Continue reading Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 4 and 5