Tag Archives: work (hataraki)

Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 197

197. Hands that Work (hataraku te wa)

Oyasama always taught us:

“If all the people of the world help one another, there will be no worry or danger for the future. There are families with plenty of work to be done but with no one to do the work, and there are families with plenty of people to do the work but with no work to be done.

When apprenticed, think of all the work as your own instead of as your master’s, and work faithfully whether being watched or not. For example, in the fall, if you notice that it is a cloudy day, take care of the straw mats and any other things as though they were your own and be sure to put them away.

Because you work faithfully and help others in various ways, in the fall people will make new kimono to give to you and do other good things for you. When it reaches this stage it will be advantageous for both. If you are going to do work, do it as faithfully as you would do your own, whether being watched or not. Then people will say, ‘That person is considerate, so I will hire him.’ When you become such a person, there will be plenty of work for you.

The people living in this Residence work as though all the work here were their own; therefore, night and day each of them is thinking, ‘What is there to be done? What can I do next?’ They do the work thinking that it is their own work; therefore, it becomes their own. If you work with the thought, ‘This is my work; this is my home,’ then it will become your home. If you work only when you are being watched and become idle when not being watched, then soon you will not be able to stay here as if it were your home.

This Residence needs as many hands as possible that work and none at all that do not work.”

Also, one time She taught us:

“Work (hataraku) makes those close to you comfortable; for that, it is called hataraku (hata: those nearby, raku: comfortable).”

Anecdotes of Oyasama, pp. 154–155

Continue reading Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 197

Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 111

111. Being Awakened in the Morning

The following is one of the instructions which Oyasama gave to Yoshie Iburi:

“Early rising, honesty, and work. There is a great difference in merit between being awakened and waking up someone else. Working in the shadows and praising others is honesty. If you do not put into practice what you hear, you will become a lie. Work on top of work, saying to yourself, ‘Just a little more, just a little bit more’; this is not greed, it is work that comes from true sincerity.”

Anecdotes of Oyasama, p. 94 Continue reading Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 111

Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 37

37. You Are Faithful in Your Work

One day in 1874, Naragiku Nishio returned to the Residence and was sitting in front of Oyasama with other people. When they were preparing to leave, Oyasama called the name of Kokan, Her daughter, and asked:

“Dear daughter, isn’t there anything to do? These people will not leave if they are asked to do something. There is something, isn’t there?”

To this question, Kokan answered, “Yes, there are many things to do, but I was hesitating to ask them.” Then Oyasama said:

“Why not ask them?”

Kokan asked them to spin yarn. They worked hard at spinning and winding yarn on the spindle. Soon Naragiku, who was then eighteen, completed one spindle. Oyasama went to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She raised the spindle to Her head three times and said:

“Dear Naragiku, girls of your age yearn for many things. You are so young, yet faithful in your work, I admire you. There are a lot of things to do in this Residence if you are of the mind to work. While working in this Residence, you will not be able to leave, even if you want to. I recommend that you work as hard as possible when you can. Then, in the future you will be quite free from hardship, even if you want it. So work hard now.”

Note: Naragiku Nishio’s name was changed to Osame in accord with Oyasama’s words when she married Masui in 1876.

Anecdotes of Oyasama, pp. 32–33

Continue reading Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 37

Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 29

29. Three Treasures

Once Oyasama said to Izo Iburi:

“Izo, open your hand.”

She had three unhulled grains of rice in Her hand, and when Izo opened his hand as requested, Oyasama said:

“This is early rising, this is honesty and this is work,”

and placed them one at a time in the palm of his hand. Then, She continued:

“Hold these three firmly in your hand. You must try not to lose them.”

Izo adhered to this teaching for the rest of his life.

Anecdotes of Oyasama, p. 24

Continue reading Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 29

Work (Hataraki)

The following is an excerpt from Omichi no joshiki [Tenrikyo Fundamentals] (pp. 126–129) by Koji Sato, professor at Tenri University and instructor at Tenri Seminary. Note: This translation is a provisional one at the moment and may require further revision.


There are times when we may ask ourselves as we endure a long commute and toil each day, “What on earth am I working for?” Such a question comes close to home and ranks equal to other fundamental questions such as, “What is the meaning of life?”

Setting aside those who consider their present job as their calling and work each day with enthusiasm, it is possible that it may not be unreasonable for a person who works to provide for their families and make ends meet to consider their occupation as a source of drudgery.

Continue reading Work (Hataraki)

Rising Early, Honesty, and Hard Work

The following is an excerpt from Omichi no joshiki [Tenrikyo Fundamentals] (pp. 61–65) by Koji Sato (佐藤浩司), assistant professor at Tenri University and instructor at Tenri Seminary. Note: This translation is a provisional one at the moment and may require further revision.

Rising Early, Honesty, and Hard Work

Izo Iburi was an honest and hard worker, having the reputation in his neighborhood as a sincere person. He earned his living as a carpenter and was also praised for his work. He joined the faith in 1864 after his wife Sato was saved from severe complications resulting from a miscarriage.

Izo subsequently served Oyasama and the Residence in such a fervent manner that he was called a “man of true sincerity.” Even when the building of the Place for the Service was almost interrupted by an incident at Oyamato Shrine, Izo shouldered the responsibility of completing the construction on his own.

One day Oyasama took three unhulled rice grains and placed them one after another in the palm of his hand, saying:

This one is for rising early, this one for honesty, and this one for hard work. Hold these firmly in your hand. You must make sure that you never lose them.

Anecdotes of Oyasama 29 “Three Treasures”

It need not be mentioned that since Izo was the embodiment of “early rising, honesty, and hard work,” he took Oyasama’s words to heart and further committed himself to implementing them throughout his life. Yet, we may ask, why did Oyasama instruct Izo in this way?

*         *         *

Oyasama taught the lesson of “rising early, honesty, and hard work” to Izo’s eldest daughter Yoshie in the following manner:

Working hard out the sight of others and praising others is honesty. If you do not put into practice what you hear, you yourself will become a lie. If you continue to work, saying to yourself, ‘Just a little more, just a little bit more’; this is not greed, it is work that comes from true sincerity.

Anecdotes of Oyasama 111, “Being Awakened in the Morning”

There is a proverb that says, “In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn.” Again, it is not very easy to get out of bed on in the morning on a cold day. Especially in our youth, our wish is to sleep even a minute or second longer.

In the west there is the well-known proverb “The early bird gets the worm.” There are similar proverbs in Japanese (“An early riser gains three mon1) and in Chinese (“An early riser gains light from three sources—the Sun, the Moon, and the stars”).

In any case, the act of waking early in the morning is promoted as an effective means to bring about success. The reason why early rising has been promoted this way in the East and West, both past and present, is because of the reality that it is quite a difficult thing to accomplish.

There are some who insist that “asa-oki” (“rising early,” or literally “waking in the morning”) is different from “haya-oki” (“early rising”). By examining the Chinese character to write “asa” (朝, i.e., “morning”) we see that it is made up of a combination of other characters. We can interpret the character for morning to mean “the sufficiently (十) early (早) time when the Moon (月) looks bigger than the Sun (日).” Thus “asa-oki” as Oyasama meant it can be interpreted to waking when the Sun is about to rise. What do you think of my suggested interpretation?

*         *         *

A psalm that is often quoted says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous.” There is also the general view that “Honesty does not pay.” Yet the problem of improprieties being committed by individuals working at government agencies and big businesses in recent years is a result of lies heaped atop one another. When the truth comes out, even a well-established company can make a negative about-turn and endure the misery of bankruptcy. As the proverb “God dwells in an honest man’s head” instructs us, it is better for us to live with righteousness and honesty.

But honesty does not simply end at being a frame of mind.

As Oyasama instructed, “If you do not put into practice what you hear, you yourself will become a lie,” the implementation of honesty in our daily life is important.

*           *           *

The path tells us that humans were born to work in this world. Oyasama taught we work (hataraku) in order to make things easier (raku) for those around us (hata).

People must work in order to make a living. But as the proverb says, “Man does not live on bread alone,” people work with different aspirations in mind. The concept of “work” or mutual help that Oyasama taught as a means “to make things easier for the people around us” was adopted from the path by the acclaimed “god of management” Konosuke Matsushita as his company motto when he founded Matsushita Electric.

*         *         *

As for the answer to the question I posed earlier on the possible reason why Oyasama taught the lesson of “rising early, honesty, and hard work” when Izo was already the embodiment of these qualities, She also taught the following lesson while holding a grain of unhulled rice:

The same is true with a human being. If you sow a grain of sincerity, within a year’s time, it will yield two to three hundred grains. In the second year there will be grains in the tens of thousands. The providence of a single grain returning ten-thousandfold will be granted. By the third year there will be enough to sow the entire province of Yamato.

Anecdotes of Oyasama 30, “Ten Thousandfold”

I feel that Oyasama’s emphasis on the importance of “rising early, honesty, and hard work” is revealed to us by the fact that She taught this lesson using an unhulled grain of rice. This lesson is significant due to the very fact that Izo embodied these qualities on a daily basis.

*Note: This post has been revised since its original publication.


  1. A mon is an ancient unit of money worth one-thousandth of a yen.

Anecdotes of the Honseki Izo Iburi 23

23. A Command to Stop Working in the Fields

It is written that between 1882 and 1887 Izo did farming and forestry work and for these five years, he never had the luxury to sit and relax at a meal but ate his meals standing near the oven. But according to Yosaburo Miyamori (1857–1936):

“The Residence was not a busy place as it is now. So when Izo first moved to Jiba, it was not like he had a set schedule of tasks to do each day. He would help out when we went out into the fields. He also helped to dig ditches and plow the rice fields.

Continue reading Anecdotes of the Honseki Izo Iburi 23

Anecdotes of the Honseki Izo Iburi 21

21. Izo’s Perseverance Working in the Fields

After Izo stopped working as a carpenter, he began to work in the fields. Despite the fact that he was unaccustomed to using a hoe, he worked alongside Shinnosuke Nakayama, the first Shinbashira, in doing physical labor and polishing rice grains. Although he was aware he was not good at farm work, he resolved to work at least half the amount of a typical farmer and worked no matter how hot or cold it was.
Continue reading Anecdotes of the Honseki Izo Iburi 21

“Please Allow Me”

The following is an excerpt from Omichi no joshiki [Tenrikyo Fundamentals] (pp. 15–18) by Koji Sato 佐藤浩司, assistant professor at Tenri University and instructor at Tenri Seminary. Note: This translation is tentative and may require further revision.

“Please Allow Me”

Yosaburo Miyamori 宮森与三郎 joined the faith because of a pain in his arm. Because the pain would recur when he went home and would mysteriously disappear whenever he visited Oyasama, he began to live at the Residence when he was 23 years old. When Yosaburo returned to the Residence for the first time, Oyasama said, “I want a superfluous person with a good heart.”1
Continue reading “Please Allow Me”

  1. Compare this quote from a similar one from Anecdotes of Oyasama 69: “A superfluous man with a pure heart is wanted.”

The Life of the Honseki Izo Iburi, Part Four

Oyasama Conveys the Teaching to Izo

Obstructions from inside and outside the path

In the 10th lunar month of 1865, Izo accompanied Oyasama to Harigabessho, where a former follower by the name of Sukezo began expounding a false teaching. He claimed that his residence in Harigabessho was the original dwelling of God and thus superior to the Jiba in Shoyashiki. Despite the fact Oyasama was nearly 70 years old, She boldly led the way up the treacherous mountain road to Harigabessho to correct Sukezo’s mistaken views.

Continue reading The Life of the Honseki Izo Iburi, Part Four