Tag Archives: Uno Zensuke

Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 141

141. Buds Burst Forth from a Knot (fushi kara me ga kiru)

In the beginning of March 1884, Genjiro Fukaya, who had withdrawn from the Meisei-sha [Confraternity], returned to Jiba with Zensuke Uno in order to obtain permission for establishing the Shido-kai [Confraternity]. They left Kyoto in the evening and arrived at Nara around two o’clock in the morning. They reached the Residence in the early dawn. They were granted an audience with Oyasama through the arrangement of Risaburo Yamamoto, and asked Oyasama for permission to establish the [confraternity]. Then, there were these words of Oyasama:

“Sah, sah, you have come to ask Me, to ask Me. Sah, sah, you must understand well. Sah, sah, even here at Jiba, there has been festering and pressing within for the past forty-eight years. There have been cases of festering and pressing. Moreover, from without, they will come again to press. Because there is a knot, there is a bud. Buds burst forth from the knot. Understand well this principle. Step by step, step by step, this path has been cleared through many hardships and trials to the present. I say to you, understand well.”

These words did not clearly give permission. So, Fukaya and Uno asked Her permission again, saying, “The five of us will follow God at the sacrifice of our lives.” Then, Oyasama said:

“Sah, sah, sah, I accept your sincerity. I accept it. The seed of the Shido-kai [Confraternity], sah, sah, from today, sah, sah, is planted. Sah, sah, you cannot imagine how large it will grow from now. Sah, sah, make those of the [confraternity] understand this. Even if they do not, God is watching. Leave them alone, I say,”

and She gave Her approval. The true sincerity of the five persons, Fukaya, Uno, Sawada, Yasura, and Nakanishi was accepted by God the Parent in this manner.

Anecdotes of Oyasama, pp. 114-115

Continue reading Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 141

Blogging Anecdotes of Oyasama 105

105. This Is a Place to Be Joyful

Zensuke Uno returned to Jiba about the middle of autumn in 1882 with a group of seven persons including his wife, his children, a couple who were believers, and their child. The purpose was to offer thanks to God for saving the life of his wife, Misa, who had suffered sickness after childbirth.

They left home early in the morning at four o’clock, walked, rode a boat across Lake Ogura, rode rickshaws and then walked again. They arrived at Jiba at eight o’clock that night and were granted an audience with Oyasama through the arrangement of Risaburo Yamamoto. They were all deeply moved beyond description, especially Misa who had been saved from a long illness. Her happiness was so great she could not restrain her tears. Oyasama asked her:

“Why do you cry?”

She answered between sobs, “I feel so thankful for being able to worship a living god. I am so thankful that I cannot help my tears of joy.” Then Oyasama said:

“Jiba is not a place to cry. This is a place to be joyful.”

Oyasama continued, as She turned to Zensuke:

“Your third generation shall have clear water.”

He was overwhelmed with deep emotion at these gracious and undeserved words. He made a firm resolution from the bottom of his heart, “I am so grateful that I will work forever for the sake of the path.”

Anecdotes of Oyasama, p. 89

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