
We call God the Parent, Tenri-O-no-Mikoto. God the Parent created human beings and everything else from where there was no form. God the Parent provided us with the Cosmos, the Earth, and the natural environment that makes life possible. God the Parent oversees the laws of nature and is also its source. God is also our Parent who relieves human beings of our troubles and guides us to the Joyous Life.

In order for us to better understand God the Parent’s providence, each particular working of God was assigned a sacred name and explained. This is the “ten aspects of God’s complete providence.”

We learn this exposition of the providence in order to build genuine faith to the teaching of God the Parent, appreciate the providence by chanting the sacred names, and learn the intention of God the Parent shown through illness and calamities.

Omotari-no-Mikoto: in the human body, the providence of warmth; in the world, the providence of fire/thermal source.

This aspect of the complete providence is represented in the heavens as the Sun; its direction is south. It is a female sacred aspect that started time when the universe began. At human creation, its symbolic form in the muddy ocean was a twelve-headed, three-tailed giant serpent with a sword on each tail. Its counterparts in the Buddhist tradition are Amitabha Buddha, Kannon Bodhisattva (Avalokitesvara), and Seishi Bodhisattva (Mahasthamaprapta).

In the human body, this aspect of the complete providence works to maintain body temperature. In the world, it oversees time (the 12 months, the 12 a.m. and p.m. hours), provides the temperature befitting the four seasons, all forms of warmth, and anything related with fire.

Without having moderate temperature, human bodies would be mere matter. Yet, too much warmth will put our lives in danger. Life is maintained due to the protection of Omotari-no-Mikoto providing us with the right amount of warmth.

Further, this world would not have come to be without the Sun’s light and energy. The development and growth of all living things are possible precisely because of this protection. We can live with the Sun’s light during the day and with electric light at night thanks to this aspect of the complete providence.

Moreover, the workings of Omotari-no-Mikoto help us cook food, prepare warm bath water, allow us warm ourselves by heaters on cold days and cool ourselves with air conditioning  on hot days, process objects from iron or clay by heat energy, and help transmit television and radio signals. In fact, anything made possible from a source of heat or energy is provided by this aspect of God’s providence.


The quality of the mind that is associated with the workings of Omotari-no-Mikoto is a warmhearted mind, an affectionate love with perfect impartiality. It is a mind which exerts our fullest efforts for the sake of others. It is a mind that seeks to create a foundation for the future for our family and friends. It is a mind of unchanging sincerity that works with utmost dedication without rest and seeks nothing in return.

In contrast, miserly qualities that expect something in return, show an unwillingness to give, seek to spare ourselves of hard work, or demonstrate that we are sore losers are not in accord with the workings of this aspect of God’s providence. Furthermore, any self-love on our part that causes us to return another’s kindness with hostility, bear grudges, and create friction with others will cause God to become disappointed in us.

Fevers come about because our mind does not conform to the workings of Omotari-no-Mikoto. Other specific forms of guidance include cardiac valve disease, cardiectasis, aneurysms, myositis, leukemia, gastric hyperacidity, glaucoma, brain tumors, intracranial hemorrhage, any contagious disease that is accompanied by fever, and any accident involving lightning, volcanic eruptions, explosions, or fire. It is important that we get rid of any cruel or patronizing behavior and instead be kind and warm at all times.


*This exposition was written by Rev. Chuichi Fukaya, the second head minister of Yamatoyoki Branch Church, and translated by Roy Forbes

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